Dr. Jisung Park Assistant Professor @ POSTECH CSE

Jisung Park

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at POSTECH, where I am leading Computer Architecture and Operating Systems (CAOS) Laboratory. Before joining POSTECH, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate and Lecturer in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET) at ETH Zürich, working in SAFARI Research Group led by Prof. Onur Mutlu. I earned my Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and B.S.E. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Seoul National University (SNU). At SNU, I was a member of Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems Laboratory (CARES) led by Prof. Jihong Kim. My research interests lie in computer architecture, system software, memory systems, storage systems, system security, and hardware/software interaction.

I am looking for motivated students at all academic stages who want to conduct cutting-edge research on computer systems. It is highly recommended that a prospective student take an internship before applying to the graduate program of POSTECH CSE. If you are interested, please reach out to me via email with your CV and transcripts.




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